Book Review

Women work & The Art of Savoir Faire
By: Mireille Guiliano
Published 2009

            This book Women, Work And The Art Of Savoir Faire is a self help book written by a best selling author who is also a former CEO of  well know company. It is a non fiction book. The theme of the book is how a woman can make it in the business world. This book also helps women balance their lives at work and at home. The goal is that by the end of reading the book you will be ready it all, beginning with the interview and ending with you rise to the top. The author also is known for her bestselling books French Women Don’t Get Fat and French Women for All Seasons.
            The main point of the book is how a woman can succeed in the business world right all side with men. The author gives many key points to pursue your dream. One of the most important things that you do is pick a career that is right for you and that will make you happy because it will become a huge part of your life. “Wait for the right job, you will still have your old one.” Take it one step at a time and you will get to where you want to be. If you are full of passion for what you are doing in your life you will blossom and go far. “The most beautiful makeup on a woman is passion, but cosmetics are easier to buy.” I learned that life is lived in episodes and stages, and it is clear that some passions fade while new ones emerge over time.
            I think that this book is a good tool for any women looking to build a career and a healthy life. You can learn what steps that you need to take to go far. The book is not for everyone, it most definitely is for ladies and not men. It is instructive but at the same time it can be humorous. I believe that the audience would be for younger women just starting out and trying to figure out their next step to beginning their career. I do agree with most of the things that the author writes about because to me balance of family and work is very important. At the same time she writes this book from her point of view and experiences. I do not believe that every woman will rise to the top the same way. Every woman will have their own views on what is the perfect job and how they should balance their work and personal life. One line that I believe shows that there are so many possibilities for women and yet everyone will be different. “One persons success would be a failure to another.” This statement is so true and I believe that it is a very important message. I agree with this author and think that many women will agree too. This book taught me a lot of things. I learned how to be prepared for an interview, on how to talk about salary, on how to get a promotion and the most importantly how to keep my life balanced. This book can help me be a woman out there competing for the job or career that I want and give me the tools I need to go all the way to the top. You can also learn how to be a good leader. “One characteristics of a good leader is a calculated lack of fear that translates into making tough and maybe even risky decisions and inspiring confidence.” In closing one of my favorite quotes would be, “Don’t let fear be a barrier to achieving your ambitions or seizing opportunities.” What is the worst that can happen? Remember this question in times of opportunity, risk and decisions.