Sunday, April 11, 2010

Chapter four " Of Velvet Gloves, Words, and Handshakes"

I found chapter four to be a very useful chapter. It was about how communication was a key in success. “In business communication skills are the key to a successful career, more than intelligence, knowledge, or experience.” There are many different ways in using communication. First is in presentations and pitching clients. In the corporate world you will come across PowerPoint or some sort of presentation you give or watch. When being a presenter you are showing you fellow work mates, bosses and clients how well you can communicate or distribute you knowledge. Key thing to know when making a PowerPoint to present is that “keep it simple (or, in business speak, KISS-keep it simple, stupid.” You just need to get your key points across. Also make the slides pop. You can us clever graphic and audio clips. Another good thing to do is practices giving your presentation ahead of time to make sure it sounds good and flows together. You can also have you boss look over it and give you feed back. This is always good.

Communication is about more much more than presentation. Its something we do everyday when we come in contact with another person. We first you greet them then a handshake. Mireille say “As a petite woman in a man’s business world, I practiced “the iron fist in a velvet glove” approach. Another key thing is look people straight in the eye.

This can make people take you seriously. Thank you is obviously another powerful communications phrase and tool. “Today if you want to stand out in business, write thank-you note. People remember.” I find less very help. Now day’s people just send quick emails and not take the time to appropriate people. Mireille say hand written letters are the best way to thanks people. You can give send a small gift. Personalizing is very helpful too. This will leave good impression on your boss, friends or clients.

You must know and exploit your best communication assets. What ever you assets are you have to recognize it and be the person you are. Work with that you got. That’s all you can do and be yourself.

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