Tuesday, May 4, 2010

$830,000 in job funds to Oakland questioned

Written by: Wyatt Buchanan, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau on Wednesday, April 21, 2010

“ Federal stimulus dollars intended for job creation in Oakland were spent instead on trips to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and a Concord water park, rent, church repairs, bus passes, salaries and car allowances, according to a state review released Tuesday. “ Oakland received more than three million dollars for summer youth programs, But more than $830,000 of the money received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act from February to December 2009 was not properly accounted for. Also, state auditors found that the city inflated the number of jobs that were actually created. In Oakland, the stimulus funds were passed down from a city agency to a nonprofit agency, the Oakland Private Industry Council. The state reviewed this agency and saw that there were major accounting issues. Some of the money that was drawn from The Recovery Act where not traceable. There are also field trips to amusement parks and a picnic that was paid with the stimulus plan. The state auditors also found problems resulting from the fact that the Industry Council used federal dollars to pay for existing expenses, as opposed to supplementing those costs. The inspector's review does not impact Oakland's ability to collect the remaining $3 million it was awarded.

Chapter 12: Making It

“Making it is a climb, no question, but where you get off is your choice.” The approach to the top should be the same but the stopping-point is different for everyone. I believe this is a good point because everyone has their own career goals and how far they want to go up in the business world. Everybody’s own definition of “making it” is different. In this last chapter the author gave 11 things that can help make good things happen in your career and in business:

1) Do not be afraid to take risks.

2) “If necessary, fire your boss and hook your star to a talented and dynamic leader.”

This person will take you upward with them and protect you. Trust is valued in all employees, if you have the rising stars trust, maintain it. Someday that boss will help you land on your feet comfortably somewhere.

3) Find something that you are passionate about so it does not always feel like work.

4) Especially as women, you have to work harder and smarter than everyone else to succeed and to be respected. That is earning it the old fashioned way. You can use politics to get ahead, but the safest way to get noticed is to do outstanding work.

5) “Timing is everything… makes it work for you.” Sometimes you can control the timing of thing but often not. You need to prepare yourself to be in the right place at the right time to seize the great moments of opportunity when they arise.

6) Work for a winning company. A good employment history opens doors.

7)”Follow the money positions.”

8) Being in the right place at the right time is part luck and part making your own luck. Position yourself for opportunity. Hard work, knowing yourself, skill and seizing opportunities at the right time are all part of making your own luck.

9) Live a balance life. You cannot have it all or do it all. Taking care of your mental and physical health is the most important. Learn to manage your expectations and live a good life.

10) Remember image. Cultivate your professional image. Good communication skills are very important. Also how your dress, how you are groomed and how you present yourself are key.

11) Results rule in the business world, so the key to my success was beating all the success metrics each year- sales, revenue, placements and image. Beat the projections year after year.

I have learned a lot in read this book. I would recommend it to women wanting to learn more about the business world. She gives great advice. If you want to get a hold of this book you can go to Barrens in Noble.

Chapter Eleven "Eating, For Business and Pleasure"

I thought at first that this chapter seemed to be a little strange for this book but I learned a few pointers from the author about how to entertain clients or future bosses. The author says that business meals are often about building relationships and finding common interests and grounds for discussion. She also explains why she put this chapter in the book. And that is because men have not included this topic in business books before and it is apart of business life. “Eating for business” is common at every level of corporate life. There are important lessons to learn that will make you a more effective businessperson. One rule would be whether dining out or eating in there a seasoned practice that simplify your life. They begin with the acceptance that eating well is worth it. Another phrase that she uses is, “entertaining is an act of friendship and cooking is an act of love.”

Rules of being entertaining in restaurants:

If you are the hostess you should try and be there first and go directly to the table.

Now you should use the free time while you wait to glance at the menu and the wine list so you have an idea of what you might order and free up your mind for your guests.

People look for the hostess to seat them. Generally if the dinner is formal the “most important” person sits on the right of the host.

If you are the host, you ultimately pick the restaurant and should try to accommodate your choice to your guests.

You should pick a restaurant that you are familiar with. Do not go to a place where you have not eaten before. This could be a disaster. Pick a place for you know you can rely on for good service and atmosphere. You do not want to upset you guest.

As the hostess you will be paying the bill. You have the responsibility to signal what is appropriate to order to put your guests at ease. You should get up late in the meal to settle the bill, and then return to the table so that you are not signing the credit card in front of the guest.

Rules of entertaining at home:

When entertaining business associates, it is not the same thing as entertaining close friends, but the responsibilities for the host are similar.

You should be yourself and smile. Show your guests that you are having fun and be gracious, making your guests feel welcomed.

Do not try and overdo it or you will be set up for a failure.

Planning is the key, lists help. Avoid catering. Personalize it by trying to make at least two-thirds of the meal yourself.

Make an effort to change the subject away from business matters. Ask about vacation plans or hobbies.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chapter Ten "Business Women And Men Are Different"

I am going to tell you a few main points on chapter 10 because my class has already read this chapter of my book. This chapter is pretty much how in this day men and women are more equal in the work force. The main thing is that men and women work in different ways. for example communication, men think that asking questions is a sign of weakness or failure. Women ask questions. And money is also a difference." Men definitely keep score with money, salary is key and your net worth is how you keep score". For women, salary inequity is the issue. With all advantages for women in the past generation, the gender gap in salaries has not disappeared. Men earn about 25 percent more than women.
I learned that if women are going to rise to the top, that we need to build communities of other high-achieving women and learn to ask for help from one another. Building these can help women learn to help each other. We can also get rid of some of the jealousy and stereotypes that have been part of the previous paths of successful women.

Accounting change lifts Apple fiscal Q1 2010 results to over $15.6 billion

Written by Joe Wilcox and published January 25, 2010
This article is about how Apple had one of its highest earnings in the first of the fiscal year ever. The CFO Peter Oppenheimer described it one of Apples best quarters. Apple instituted new reporting rules for this quarter's results. The accounting change gave Apple's results huge lift. Before Apple deferred a huge portion of the iPhone under older subscription accounting rules. The Financial Accounting Standards Board revised new rules in September. The new change means that Apple can immediately recognize the revenue instead of deferring it for 24 months.

The new accounting method explains why Apple exceeded expectations by such a large amount. Apple revised two years of results in support of the accounting change. This added at least another $110 million revenue which was previously deferred over the past 24 months. So the quarter got two lifts: Previous unrecognized revenue is calculated at $25 for every iPhone sold over the last two years and revenue recognized in this quarter that was deferred before and now the revenue jumps, but its more because of the accounting.

For fiscal first quarter, Apple reported $15.68 billion revenue and net profits of $3.38 billion, or $3.67 a share, under the new reporting method. A year earlier, Apple reported revenue of $11.88 billion and $2.26 billion net quarterly profit, or $2.50 per share. I believe that this is a huge difference for the Apple company.

Chapter Nine " The Not-Always-So-gentle Art of Coping"

Chapter Nine is 101 on how to prevent stress in workplace and home. In this book we learn a lot about keeping stress out of you life. Stress can be controlled. In this chapter she gives helpful facts about certain area's that causes stress. Guiliano gives us her stress list and traveling in on the top.
The main stressful thing about traveling is luggage. You have to worry about your luggage getting lost. This can make your trip or vacations more stressful. So if you are traveling on business you should pack lightly. If you do this you can just take your bag as on the airplane. This also makes arrive a lot easier. Another think to keep in mind it always have your trick passport in a safe place where you know you have everything. Safety is also key when traveling. Have a usual security checklist: "Stay at a good hotel, don't give out your address, don't go out after dark alone. Know where the emergency exits are. Check in with someone periodically. Carry a phone and remember to pack the battery charger." This can all make traveling less stressful. Guiliano recommends reading Colin Cowie Chin. "He is wonderfully fanatical on travel preparation and compartmentalization."
Clothing can complicate ones life. Women mostly blaming being late on not being able to decide on what to wear in the morning. You don't need this in the morning. I can say that I have this problem every morning. So maybe picking out mentally or physically what you’re going to wear the night before. You can also clean out your closet and get reed of the clothes you don't wear. If you haven't wore it in a year you might want to get reed of it. This will help you keep your clothes out easier and faster.
Sleeping and eating well can prevent stress. Sleep is something your body has to have to run. A good night of sleep can change the way to feel and act. Most people need at lease seven or eight off sleep. You should have a time that you go to bed at everyday so your body knows when it needs to wake up and work. Finding out how much sleep you need every night can help you get enough sleep. Don’t forget about eating well. Food is energy for your body. This energy is what keeps you going. Eating breakfast is key to eating well. Eating well makes your body strong and you happy. This makes life less stressful.

Life will always be some what stressful. I stress about school sometimes but I just need to find away to get threw it and make things better. So if you have stress just the best way you can make the situation better.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Chapter Eight "Zen and The Art of Business(life)"

I found chapter eight to be very important because I feel that a lot of people could take a lot out of this chapter. The chapter is about balancing work life with personal life. This can be very hard for some people because you have to work to make the money that takes care of you or if you have a family, them. I think people sometimes need a reminder or need help to get on the right path to balance.

“With the Internet, smartphones, desktop video-conferencing, and other communication technologies, you are seemingly always connected with work, 24/7.” So when trying to find the right balance for your life you should consider making a little out of your week for yourself or your loves ones. Couples have to make an effort at finding balance and the time to be together. Just making a date night once a week or just go for a walk or rent movies at home. Just spending time together will make your relationship better. Guiliano and her husband made a rule that they would not be apart more than five consecutive days. Just making a little rule like this will make it a little easier.

The four elements that take to support a work life balance. 1) Good health, 2) a functional social network of friends and family,3) a solid employment situation and 4) time, space, principle, and policies for yourself. Stress and health are key to the balance too. Your health is very important because as you get older you are at a higher risk at being sick. Being stressed out is not being in good health. This may cause impaired judgment, poor performance. Wight gain is another big thing. “Current research on Americans show that nearly one out of two deals with stress by overeating or eating unhealthy food.” This can cause even more stress. So I would just try to keep stress out of your life.

Your personal Zen is another key thing in balance. Just make time for yourself. You can take a walk, read a book or have a spa day. This is the time that you can lose your self-consciousness and clear your mind.” You can feel the stress melt way. It’s your time .In almost any activity you enjoy, you can lose yourself and find yourself.” So from reading this I hope you learned a little about making your own balance in life.

Chapter Seven "Fire Your Boss: Leaders and Managers"

Chapter seven is over how to be a good leader and manager. Guiliano got a lot of advice from her mother. Her mother taught her a prime management principle “Don’t let fear be a barrier to achieving your ambitions or seizing opportunities.” She also taught her to ask herself “what’s the worst thing that can happen?” It became her mantra and served her well. She asked herself this question a lot. I find this to be good advice.

“One of the characteristics of a good leader is a calculated lack of fear that translates into making tough and even risky decisions and inspiring confidence”. Having good leadership skill can come naturally but you can always learn more. Guiliano learned lot of good leadership skills form what not to do by observing others- mostly men. There weren’t lot women role models that she could look up too.

To be a good leader you need to have great communications skills. You need to be able to communicate your ideas effectively and can motivate. Good leaders don’t complicate things. They keep the vision clear and simple. A good leader always builds loyalty and takes care of their employees. Your employees are very important. You need employees that are on the same page as the company and understand their purpose in the company or business. Showing them your loyalty, integrity and honesty is very important. Knowing your employee is key and showing them that they should be happy at work. Another thing to keep in mind is “knowing and accepting the leadership and management style of your boss. At the minimum, respecting it,if not loving it. Or find another boss.”

Managers are not the same things as leaders. Managers do a little leading but mostly manage people and outcome. The first principle in being a manager is hiring the right people. It’s the most important thing that the manager does. Always know the employees and make sure they have the right skills for your company or business. Managers keep everything together. I learned a lot in this chapter that can help anyone that wants to make the next big step up to management or a leader.

Chapter Six "Whose Success"

“People care about success, though, and want it. But what is it?” This is a good question to ask your self? I think success means having a stable career and a happy life. Success can mean a different thing to everyone because it’s what you believe is success. Guiliano feels that success means “it’s about managing expectations-you expectations and likely those of the people closest to you.” I totally agree with her.

Making goals is a good way to help you become successful. “Setting and managing our own expectations defines success and the path to balance and happiness.” You should make short-term goals because long-term goals can become frustrating, depressing or even worse. Making benchmarks are more realistic and can be accomplished in a reasonable time. When accomplishing the short-term goal or benchmarks you feel better and can make a new goal or go farther with you first goal.

As your life goes on our definition of success will change with the phases in your life. It may change when you start your career or start a family. You will have to change your goals as you move forward in life. Like if you start your family your goals will change because you have to think about your family’s best interest first. This means your idea of success might change now to maybe like buying a new house or saving for your children. All that matters is that you feel that you have been successful because success can mean anything.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wal-Mart's State Tax Evasion Ploy: Paying Rent to Itself

This article is by Jesse Drucker and first published by The Wall St. Journal, February 1, 2007. The picture to on the left is the cycle Wal-mart pays its taxesThe article is about Wal-mart and other large companies that have gotten away with not paying millions of dollars in taxes through a loop hole that states have not caught on to. This is how they did it, a Wal-Mart subsidiary pays the rent to a real-estate investment trust, or REIT, which is entitled to a tax break if it pays its profits out in dividends. The REIT is 99%-owned by another Wal-Mart subsidiary, which receives the REIT's dividends tax-free. And Wal-Mart gets to deduct the rent from state taxes as a business expense, even though the money has stayed within the company. Wal-mart has only paid half of the state taxes in the last decade. Some corporate state tax planners say arrangements like these are smart business choices. I feel that companies should get out of paying taxes. It isn't fair to the small businesses that have to pay all their taxes and big companies don't. All businesses should have sit rule have to pay a set tax. This will make thing fair. If you want to read the whole article go to this web sit http://www.reclaimdemocracy.org/walmart/2007/state_tax_dodge_rent.php

Chapter Five "Paint Yourself Orange"

The 411 on how to present yourself in the business world. Maireille tells about her own style. She says her style is how she dresses, talks, moves and behaves. “Confidence and individuality are two strong assets for developing your personal style.” This all goes together that makes a great first impression. Here is Marireille great list of “no-no’s”.

· Sheer tops and deep cleavage

· Strapless tops or beach clothing

· Strong perfume

· Too much makeup

· Flip-flops

· Chipped nails or fake ones

· Beat-up jeans

· Dressing like a men, unless you are trying to signal you are one

· Super miniskirts

· Unpressed shirt or unironed anything

· Unkempt hair

· Too much jewelry

The point of the list is to show you if you have the right style you will earn you respect and appreciation. Eyes and smile is something you can have total control over. You never want to over do your eye makeup. Just keep it simple.

When trying to find what to wear to work you should look at what your boss or people above you are wearing. This will help you see what they think is professional. But if you know you boss dresses a little out there just stick with simple. It’s the safest bet. Here is the “Indispensable Pulled Together” wardrobe that will get you far. This is just a fellow.

· A little Black dress

· A cashmere cardigan in a neutral color

· A crewneck sweater contrasting with the cardigan

· Turtleneck

· A pair of quality pumps

· A pair of loafers or comfortable walking shoes

· Well-cut pants- neither too baggy nor to tight

· A formal but feminine suit with either pencil skirt or straight or slightly flared pants

So how you present yourself is key. I also want to remember manners are important. You always want to be at your best because you never know when an opportunity will present itself.

Chapter four " Of Velvet Gloves, Words, and Handshakes"

I found chapter four to be a very useful chapter. It was about how communication was a key in success. “In business communication skills are the key to a successful career, more than intelligence, knowledge, or experience.” There are many different ways in using communication. First is in presentations and pitching clients. In the corporate world you will come across PowerPoint or some sort of presentation you give or watch. When being a presenter you are showing you fellow work mates, bosses and clients how well you can communicate or distribute you knowledge. Key thing to know when making a PowerPoint to present is that “keep it simple (or, in business speak, KISS-keep it simple, stupid.” You just need to get your key points across. Also make the slides pop. You can us clever graphic and audio clips. Another good thing to do is practices giving your presentation ahead of time to make sure it sounds good and flows together. You can also have you boss look over it and give you feed back. This is always good.

Communication is about more much more than presentation. Its something we do everyday when we come in contact with another person. We first you greet them then a handshake. Mireille say “As a petite woman in a man’s business world, I practiced “the iron fist in a velvet glove” approach. Another key thing is look people straight in the eye.

This can make people take you seriously. Thank you is obviously another powerful communications phrase and tool. “Today if you want to stand out in business, write thank-you note. People remember.” I find less very help. Now day’s people just send quick emails and not take the time to appropriate people. Mireille say hand written letters are the best way to thanks people. You can give send a small gift. Personalizing is very helpful too. This will leave good impression on your boss, friends or clients.

You must know and exploit your best communication assets. What ever you assets are you have to recognize it and be the person you are. Work with that you got. That’s all you can do and be yourself.

Monday, April 5, 2010

How to get extra help with accounting

I learned in my intro to accounting class that if you ever need extra help with accounting you could always use the internet. I used Youtube videos that help me break down the steps in the accounting process. Some videos or wed sit even have test you can take and see how well you understand the material. I found this to be very helpful. So I was looking on Youtube and found this video that could be useful when learning the accounting process. There are more video just like this one on different areas of accounting or get help with. Just search for them at them at the videos web sit or Youtube.

Chapter Three "The principle of Enlightened Self-Interest"

“Everyone knows that employers buy your time and rent your mind but don’t own you.” Some employers are good and some not so good. “Act with enlightened self-interest.” To act with enlightened self-interest you have to know yourself. You need to make cold analysis of your situation. You need to understand your companies’ plans and see if you fit in with these plans. Enlightened self-interest is creating your own luck or opportunities and making the most of them. When building your career it is in your best interest to always leave a job on good terms. This not always easy but it is good for you when it happens. It helps when looking for another job. So treating everyone well is way of acting in an enlightened self-interest.
Choosing the right company for you is huge for your career decision. In the beginning of your career the good move is to pick the company with the most added values to you. It is best to avoid no-names whenever possible.
The employers look at the companies that the applicant worked and the schools that they attended. It is a fact that a degree from a high quality and well know university is a huge advantage in most interviews. These names open doors to jobs. And working for a company in your field is a valuable goal. And if you do not go to a brand name school you can use your work history to your advantage.

Chapter two "Choosing a path: Passion, Talent, and More"

With talent, hard work, and being in the right place you can help make your own luck. And we cannot let fear be the barrier to achieving your goals. You can also wake up and find that your prospects have changed overnight. This just means that you are ready to enter a new stage in your life. And be ready for new opportunities and challenges. Then you need to go look for the opportunity. Sometimes we are afraid to take risks, sometimes these are good decisions , but decisions should not be made out of fear but out of knowledge. Some women tend to be caregivers more than men so some of there stages are marriage or children. And you do not have to have a grand plan for achieving success but to just be committed to working harder and smarter than your competitors. And also it is about being open and prepare to take advantage of opportunities and to work smarter than the next guy.
Choosing a path:
Chance opportunities and new passions do not only strike only young women starting their careers, they can occur anytime. The key is to be proud and comfortable with the company or field where you work. When you find a field that is a fit for you, you will grow with in it. Will start to enjoy and love some if the things that did not know existed or you thought you would not like.

Chapter One "Life Is LIved in Episodes and Stages"

What is the point of being a successful business women if you are not happy and suffering an unhealthy personal life? Our work is apart of the rest of our lives. We want our knowledge and enthusiasm for our job to set us apart from the rest. We all can learn new things over time by working hard and realize what we can achieve.
For the past two decades the woman in the workforce has increased from 10 percent to 30 percent. Also more women my age have attended college than before and women make up for majority in college students. I believe that the future will be up to the young women like me. The book that I am reading tells about ideas, old and new to help with growth in my career path. The ideas range from stress to style and etiquette. The book is about helping women to grow the knowledge and the tools to help and to balance in the business world.
Life is learned in episodes and stages. Episodes because they relate to time and place and stages because they evolve and are inevitable. But taking some risks can also make opportunities and can make the difference. I also learned in the book that you cannot always time your opportunities, “Controlling ones fears and anxieties by not letting them dictate premature decisions is part of a solid professional skill set.”
It also can be hard to get ahead without a little coaching. It is good to practice a fake interview. What are your strengths and your weaknesses? What do you bring to this particular job? Are you willing to work long hours? Travel? Relocate? Always expect to be asked if you have any questions and have good ones ready. And when your sitting in the chair being interviewed remember to relax. And be yourself.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Women, Work & the Art of Savoir Faire

I have found a book that will help me learn more about being a business woman. The book is called Women, Work & the Art of Savoir Faire by Mireille Guiliano. The book just caught my eye because it talked about how women can achieve their goals in business and pursue their dreams. The book is about more than just getting ahead or getting a promotion but about living a good life and being happy with what you do. At the same time you will be making the biggest contribution to the workplace. I will keep posting the great thing I learn for women in the work force.

The requirements that I need to become an accountant

So far I have learned a little about the things I need to do to become a certified accountant. I have researched schooling in the area. I believe that Northern Iowa University is the best choice for me. UNI supplies the assets that I need to succeed. UNI is ranked among one of the top 10 universities in the nation in passing the Certified Public Accountant examination (CPA). Professional expertise is also offered with the Master of Accounting degree. The success of UNI's accounting graduates has helped earn the College of Business Administration and the University a reputation for educational excellence. The accounting program has a proven track record in preparing students for the CPA exam. I believe that if I chose this path of education, that I will benefit with a great education and a chance for a career in accounting in the Cedar Rapids area.
The areas that are required for this degree are marketing, economics, management, finance and accounting classes so that I may receive my bachelor degree. After I have conquered these goals with a B average or above I will work toward my actual CPA. I will keep researching more to see what will be required to move forward. I will update with what I find.

Why I want to be an accountant

A question I get asked a lot is what are you going to do for a career? Some people can’t answer the question because it a big decision to make. But I can. I have known since I was little that I want to own or run a business of some kind. When I was little I always played that I owned some big timed business. I have wanted to have money and a comfortable and stable lifestyle.
This year I signed up for the career academy. This program lets you take college classes at Kirkwood to see the feel of different career options. I picked to take a personal financing and intro into accounting. We get college and high school credit for it so I thought it was a good opportunity. I loved the intro to accounting class. The class was a lot of fun and it came easy to me. I had a great teacher that had really good teaching skills. We learned from what debit and credits were to a full worksheet, we also covered the whole accounting cycle. It was a lot to learn and a lot of memorization. The accounting cycle has a lot of steps to fallow. We also learned how to use QuickBooks. We have to teach ourselves at home on are own computers. I found QuickBooks to be a little hard to learn without help from someone that knew what they were doing. I started to get the hang of it at the end. I just did what I could and tried my hardest and got a good grade on it. But it’s good that I know how to some what use QuickBooks because a lot of businesses look for people that have experience with it. Over all I got an A in the class and leaned a lot from this class. This is when I thought that I might want to be an accountant.
My personal financing class didn’t go the same way. I got the class and everything but just didn’t have the right teacher. The class was about learning how to deal with personal financing to save for retirement. I learned a lot in the class. The most important thing I took way for the class was to save young and always have a plan that you will follow.
I am happy I decided to be a part of the of the career academy because I took a lot away for the experience. This helped me find that I want to be an accountant someday. I want to own my own accounting firm someday down the road after I have all the experience I need to exceed. I hope to be a successful business woman.
To make all this come true I am going to attend Kirkwood for maybe two years. I will get all my requirements out of the way first. After that I will take some business classes because I also need to know how to run my own business. After one or two years I will transfer to UNI and get my accounting degree there. As I go to school I will be living at home so I can save my money and build my credit. After I will find a job and start my adult life from there.